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I've been obsessed with logos since I was a kid. I think it's because when you're too young to read, a logo helps you get pretty close to being able to read and identify what something is - something the grownups held the secret to. My friend’s son said “fries” every time he saw a McDonald’s sign, my mom tells me I knew how to read the One Way sign because of Sesame Street… There were some logos that just fueled my imagination. My uncle had a Magikist keychain hanging on his closet door, The word Magikist was embossed onto red lips. This same logo greeted me home on the expressway - it was giant and lit up, and yet I had no idea what it was, what it meant, what did they do there and WHY did my uncle have a keychain with lips on it from there? In case you’re too young, or not from Chicago, Magikist was a carpet cleaning company who’s tagline was “Kiss of Beauty.”

Creating logos is a serious responsibility. Sure, sometimes it can be fun and clever, but when it comes down to it – you’re developing an image that is represents an entire brand - It may even be a giant light up sign on the side of the expressway one day. I enjoy creating logos and especially find logo trends fascinating. Much like clothes, logos can fall in and out of fashion, but a well developed and designed logo will surpass trends. With over 25 years of experience creating logos, I take on each new logo project with the same imaginative thinking I had as a kid, as well as the grown up strategic thinking I would use on any marketing project.